İngilizce Nasrettinin Hoca Fıkraları -The invitation card
When NAsreddin Hodja's son of his neighboor is going to be married, he asked Hodja to send out some of his invitation cards. Hodja take the one who is known as proud and very rich.the rich man open the door and see hodja with the invitation card, and in a proud way says:
-don't they find an acceptable person for this job instead of you?
Hodja answered in a smooth way:
-There is some but these acceptable ones go to the acceptable people.
ıyyy çok malca bir fıkra azdaha kusacaktım böyle bir fıkra olamaz kaldırlsın bu fıkra sizi şikayet edeceğmmmm.......
YanıtlaSilmiktir git mezeveng..
YanıtlaSiltürçe yappın bune yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa